Vol. 260, No. 1, 2012

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Almost factoriality of integral domains and Krull-like domains

Gyu Whan Chang, Hwankoo Kim and Jung Wook Lim

Vol. 260 (2012), No. 1, 129–148

Let D be an integral domain, D be the integral closure of D, and Γ be a numerical semigroup with Γ ⊊ ℕ0. Let t be the so-called t-operation on D. We will say that D is an AK-domain (resp., AUF-domain) if for each nonzero ideal ({aα}) of D, there exists a positive integer n = n({aα}) such that ({aαn})t is t-invertible (resp., principal). In this paper, we study several properties of AK-domains and AUF-domains. Among other things, we show that if D D is a bounded root extension, then D is an AK-domain (resp., AUF-domain) if and only if D is a Krull domain (resp., Krull domain with torsion t-class group) and D is t-linked under D . We also prove that if D is a Krull domain (resp., UFD) with char(D)0, then the (numerical) semigroup ring D[Γ] is a nonintegrally closed AK-domain (resp., AUF-domain).

AK-domain, AUF-domain, numerical semigroup, bounded root extension
Mathematical Subject Classification 2010
Primary: 13F05
Secondary: 13A15, 13B25, 13G05
Received: 14 January 2012
Revised: 15 March 2012
Accepted: 23 March 2012
Published: 11 October 2012
Gyu Whan Chang
Department of Mathematics
University of Incheon
Incheon 406-772
South Korea
Hwankoo Kim
Department of Information Security
Hoseo University
Asan 336-795
South Korea
Jung Wook Lim
Department of Mathematics
Sogang University
Seoul 121-742
South Korea