Let D be an integral domain, D
be the integral closure of D, and Γ be a numerical semigroup with Γ ⊊ ℕ0. Let t be
the so-called t-operation on D. We will say that D is an AK-domain (resp.,
AUF-domain) if for each nonzero ideal ({aα}) of D, there exists a positive integer
n = n({aα}) such that ({aαn})t is t-invertible (resp., principal). In this paper, we
study several properties of AK-domains and AUF-domains. Among other
things, we show that if D ⊆ D is a bounded root extension, then D is an
AK-domain (resp., AUF-domain) if and only if D is a Krull domain (resp.,
Krull domain with torsion t-class group) and D is t-linked under D. We also
prove that if D is a Krull domain (resp., UFD) with char(D)≠0, then the
(numerical) semigroup ring D[Γ] is a nonintegrally closed AK-domain (resp.,