Vol. 261, No. 2, 2013

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Type I almost homogeneous manifolds of cohomogeneity one, III

Daniel Guan

Vol. 261 (2013), No. 2, 369–388

This paper is one of a series in which we generalize our earlier results on the equivalence of existence of Calabi extremal metrics to the geodesic stability for any type I compact complex almost homogeneous manifolds of cohomogeneity one. In this paper, we actually carry all the earlier results to the type I cases. As requested by earlier referees of this series of papers, in this third part, we shall first give an updated description of the geodesic principles and the classification of compact almost homogeneous Kähler manifolds of cohomogeneity one. Then, we shall give a proof of the equivalence of the geodesic stability and the negativity of the integral in the first part. Finally, we shall address the relation of our result to Ross–Thomas version of Donaldson’s K-stability. One should easily see that their result is a partial generalization of our integral condition in the first part. And we shall give some further comments on the Fano manifolds with the Ricci classes. In Theorem 14, we give a result of Nadel type. We define the strict slope stability. In our case, it is stronger than Ross–Thomas slope stability. We strengthen two Ross–Thomas results in Theorems 15 and 16. The similar proofs of the results other than the existence for the type II cases are more complicated and will be done elsewhere.

Kähler–Einstein, stability, cohomogeneity one
Mathematical Subject Classification 2010
Primary: 14J45, 34B18, 53C10, 53C25, 53C55
Received: 4 November 2011
Revised: 6 September 2012
Accepted: 3 October 2012
Published: 20 March 2013
Daniel Guan
Department of Mathematics
The University of California at Riverside
Riverside CA 92521
United States