Vol. 261, No. 2, 2013

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G-bundles over elliptic curves for non-simply laced Lie groups and configurations of lines in rational surfaces

Mang Xu and Jiajin Zhang

Vol. 261 (2013), No. 2, 497–510

We study the relation between the moduli space of flat G-bundles over a fixed elliptic curve Σ and the moduli space of rational surfaces with G-configurations containing Σ as a fixed anticanonical curve, where G is a non-simply laced, compact, simple and simply connected Lie group. Our method is to reduce G to a simply laced maximal subgroup G.

G-bundle, rational surface, elliptic curve
Mathematical Subject Classification 2010
Primary: 14J26
Secondary: 17B10, 14H60
Received: 25 September 2011
Accepted: 21 August 2012
Published: 20 March 2013
Mang Xu
Department of Mathematics
Southwest Jiaotong University
Chengdu, 610031
Jiajin Zhang
Department of Mathematics
Sichuan University
Chengdu, 610065