Vol. 262, No. 1, 2013

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Symmetric regularization, reduction and blow-up of the planar three-body problem

Richard Moeckel and Richard Montgomery

Vol. 262 (2013), No. 1, 129–189

We carry out a sequence of coordinate changes for the planar three-body problem, which successively eliminate the translation and rotation symmetries, regularize all three double collision singularities and blow-up the triple collision. Parametrizing the configurations by the three relative position vectors maintains the symmetry among the masses and simplifies the regularization of binary collisions. Using size and shape coordinates facilitates the reduction by rotations and the blow-up of triple collision while emphasizing the role of the shape sphere. By using homogeneous coordinates to describe Hamiltonian systems whose configurations spaces are spheres or projective spaces, we are able to take a modern, global approach to these familiar problems. We also show how to obtain the reduced and regularized differential equations in several convenient local coordinates systems.

celestial mechanics, three-body problem, regularization
Mathematical Subject Classification 2010
Primary: 37N05, 70F07, 70G45
Secondary: 53A20, 53CXX
Received: 10 February 2012
Revised: 11 October 2012
Accepted: 19 October 2012
Published: 27 March 2013
Richard Moeckel
School of Mathematics
University of Minnesota
Minneapolis, MN 55455
United States
Richard Montgomery
Department of Mathematics
University of Santa Cruz
Santa Cruz, CA 95064
United States