Vol. 262, No. 2, 2013

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Fractal entropy of nonautonomous systems

Rui Kuang, Wen-Chiao Cheng and Bing Li

Vol. 262 (2013), No. 2, 421–436

We define formulas of entropy dimension for a nonautonomous dynamical system consisting of a sequence of continuous self-maps of a compact metric space. This study reveals analogues of basic propositions for entropy dimension, such as the power rule, product rule and commutativity, etc. These properties allow us to convert to an equality an inequality found by de  Carvalho (1997) concerning the product rule for the autonomous dynamical system. We also prove a subadditivity rule of entropy dimension for one-dimensional dynamics based on our previous work.

entropy dimension, dynamical systems, nonautonomous dynamical systems, power rule, product rule, commutativity, subadditivity
Mathematical Subject Classification 2000
Primary: 37D35
Secondary: 37A35
Received: 9 February 2012
Revised: 12 August 2012
Accepted: 16 October 2012
Published: 16 April 2013
Rui Kuang
Department of Mathematics
South China University of Technology
510641 Guangzhou
Wen-Chiao Cheng
Department of Applied Mathematics
Chinese Culture University
Yangmingshan, Taipei 11114
Bing Li
Department of Mathematics
South China University of Technology
510641 Guangzhou
Department of Mathematical Science
University of Oulu
P.O. Box 3000
FI-90014 Oulu