Two interesting problems
that arise in the theory of closed Riemann surfaces are (i) computing algebraic
curves representing the surface and (ii) deciding if the field of moduli is a field of
In this paper we consider pairs (S,H), where S is a closed Riemann surface and
H is a subgroup of Aut(S), the group of automorphisms of S, so that
S∕H is an orbifold with signature (0;k,kn−1,kn,kn) where k, n ≥ 2 are
In the case that S is the highest abelian branched cover of S∕H we
provide explicit algebraic curves representing S. In the case that k is an odd
prime, we also describe algebraic curves for some intermediate abelian
For k = p ≥ 3 a prime and H a p-group, we prove that H is a p-Sylow subgroup
of Aut(S), and if p ≥ 7 we prove that H is normal in Aut(S). Also, when n≠3 we
prove that the field of moduli in such cases is a field of definition. If, moreover, S is
the highest abelian branched cover of S∕H, then we compute explicitly the field of