For a compact 3-manifold N
with connected nonempty boundary, let Γ be an admissible trivalent graph in ∂N
that decomposes ∂N into a set of disks. As an extension of small covers, from a
(ℤ2)3-coloring λ on ∂N − Γ, one can get a closed 3-manifold Mλ that admits a
locally standard (ℤ2)3-action.
Suppose N is irreducible and atoroidal: say, a handlebody. We give a
combinatorial necessary and sufficient condition for a (ℤ2)3-colorable pair (N,Γ) to
admit a right-angled hyperbolic structure, which naturally induces a hyperbolic
structure on Mλ.
(ℤ2)3-action, hyperbolic structure with
polyhedral boundary, 3-manifold