Vol. 264, No. 2, 2013

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Twisted K-theory for the orbifold [∕G]

Mario Velásquez, Edward Becerra and Hermes Martinez

Vol. 264 (2013), No. 2, 471–490

The main result of this paper establishes an explicit ring isomorphism between the twisted orbifold K-theory ωKorb([∕G]) and R(Dω(G)) for any element ω Z3(G;S1). We also study the relation between the twisted orbifold K-theories α Korb(𝒳) and α Korb(𝒴) of the orbifolds 𝒳 = [∕G] and 𝒴 = [∕G], where G and Gare different finite groups, and α Z3(G;S1) and α′∈ Z3(G;S1) are different twistings. We prove that if Gis an extraspecial group with prime number p as an index and order pn (for some fixed n ), under a suitable hypothesis over the twisting αwe can obtain a twisting α on the group (p)n such that there exists an isomorphism between the twisted K-theories α Korb([∕G]) and αKorb([(p)n]).

inverse transgression map, twisted double Drinfeld, twisted K-theory
Mathematical Subject Classification 2010
Primary: 19L47, 19L50
Secondary: 20J06, 20C25
Received: 16 May 2012
Revised: 28 November 2012
Accepted: 14 January 2013
Published: 28 July 2013
Mario Velásquez
Universidad de los Andes
Departamento de Matemáticas
Carrera 1 No 18A–12 edificio H
Edward Becerra
Department of Mathematics
Universidad Nacional de Colombia
Carrera 30 Calle 45, Ciudad Universitaria
Hermes Martinez
Escuela de Matemáticas
Universidad Sergio Arboleda
Calle 74 No. 14–14