The main result of this
paper establishes an explicit ring isomorphism between the twisted orbifold K-theory
ωKorb([∗∕G]) and R(Dω(G)) for any element ω ∈ Z3(G;S1). We also study the
relation between the twisted orbifold K-theories αKorb(𝒳) and α′Korb(𝒴) of the
orbifolds 𝒳 = [∗∕G] and 𝒴 = [∗∕G′], where G and G′ are different finite
groups, and α ∈ Z3(G;S1) and α′∈ Z3(G′;S1) are different twistings. We
prove that if G′ is an extraspecial group with prime number p as an index
and order pn (for some fixed n ∈ ℕ), under a suitable hypothesis over the
twisting α′ we can obtain a twisting α on the group (ℤp)n such that there
exists an isomorphism between the twisted K-theories α′Korb([∗∕G′]) and