Vol. 268, No. 2, 2014

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Errata to “Dynamics of asymptotically hyperbolic manifolds”

Julie Rowlett

Vol. 268 (2014), No. 2, 493–506

Correction to Pacific Journal of Mathematics 242:2 (2009) 377–397


Theorem 1.4 of the article in question—its main result—is a prime orbit theorem for the geodesic flow of asymptotically hyperbolic manifolds with negative sectional curvatures. We correct a typo and supply a missing technical assumption to make the result and its proof correct. We also supply a remainder term required in the dynamical wave trace formula given in Theorem 1.1, relating the length spectrum to the regularized trace of the wave group. This correction does not affect the main terms in the trace formula nor its application by Borthwick and Perry (2011).

asymptotically hyperbolic, wave trace, prime orbit theorem, renormalized trace
Mathematical Subject Classification 2010
Primary: 37D40, 53C22, 58J50
Received: 4 January 2013
Revised: 29 October 2013
Accepted: 10 January 2014
Published: 21 June 2014
Julie Rowlett
Institut für Analysis
Leibniz Universität Hannover
Welfengarten 1
30167 Hannover