Vol. 269, No. 2, 2014

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Variational representations for $N$-cyclically monotone vector fields

Alfred Galichon and Nassif Ghoussoub

Vol. 269 (2014), No. 2, 323–340

Given a convex bounded domain Ω in d and an integer N 2, we associate to any jointly N-monotone (N1)-tuplet (u1,u2,,uN1) of vector fields from Ω into d a Hamiltonian H on d × d × × d that is concave in the first variable, jointly convex in the last N1 variables, and such that

(u1(x),u2(x),,uN1(x)) = 2,,NH(x,x,,x)

for almost all x Ω. Moreover, H is N-antisymmetric in a sense made precise later, and also N-sub-antisymmetric in the sense that for all X ΩN the sum i=0N1H(σi(X)) 0 is nonpositive, σ being the permutation that shifts the coordinates of X leftward one slot and places the first coordinate last. This result can be seen as an extension of a theorem of E. Krauss, which associates to any monotone operator a concave-convex antisymmetric saddle function. We also give various variational characterizations of vector fields that are almost everywhere N-monotone, showing that they are dual to the class of measure-preserving N-involutions on Ω.

$N$-cyclically monotone vector fields, Krauss theorem
Mathematical Subject Classification 2010
Primary: 49J40
Received: 7 January 2013
Revised: 2 October 2013
Accepted: 7 October 2013
Published: 26 July 2014
Alfred Galichon
Economics Department
Sciences Po Paris
28 Rue des Saints-Pères
75007 Paris
Nassif Ghoussoub
Department of Mathematics
University of British Columbia
Vancouver BC V6T 1Z2