Vol. 271, No. 2, 2014

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On $f$-biharmonic maps and $f$-biharmonic submanifolds

Ye-Lin Ou

Vol. 271 (2014), No. 2, 461–477

We consider f-biharmonic maps, the extrema of the f-bienergy functional. We prove that an f-biharmonic map from a compact Riemannian manifold into a nonpositively curved manifold with constant f-bienergy density is a harmonic map; that any f-biharmonic function on a compact manifold is constant; and that the inversion in the sphere Sm1 is a proper f-biharmonic conformal diffeomorphism for m 3. We derive equations for f-biharmonic submanifolds (that is, submanifolds whose defining isometric immersions are f-biharmonic maps) and prove that a surface in a manifold (Nn,h) is an f-biharmonic surface if and only if it can be biharmonically conformally immersed into (Nn,h). We also give a complete classification of f-biharmonic curves in three-dimensional Euclidean space. Examples are given of proper f-biharmonic maps and f-biharmonic surfaces and curves.

$f`$-biharmonic maps, $f`$-biharmonic submanifolds, $f`$-biharmonic functions, $f`$-biharmonic hypersurfaces, $f`$-biharmonic curves
Mathematical Subject Classification 2010
Primary: 58E20
Secondary: 53C43
Received: 22 June 2013
Accepted: 28 March 2014
Published: 20 September 2014
Ye-Lin Ou
Department of Mathematics
Texas A&M University – Commerce
PO Box 3011
Commerce, TX 75429-3011
United States