Vol. 271, No. 2, 2014

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Unitary principal series of split orthogonal groups

Alessandra Pantano, Annegret Paul and Susana Salamanca Riba

Vol. 271 (2014), No. 2, 479–510

We prove the nonunitarity of a large set of parameters for Langlands quotients of minimal principal series of the orthogonal group SO(n+1,n), by showing that the set of unitary principal series parameters of SO(n+1,n) embeds into a (known) union of spherical unitary parameters for certain split orthogonal groups. In an earlier paper, we proved the nonunitarity of the genuine principal series of the metaplectic group Mp(2n) attached to the same set of parameters. We conjecture that the set of parameters is complete in both cases and prove the conjecture for small rank groups and in the case of unipotent parameters.

orthogonal groups, intertwining operators, petite K-types, complementary series, theta correspondence, unipotent representations, spherical unitary dual, Weyl group representations
Mathematical Subject Classification 2010
Primary: 22E45
Received: 7 July 2013
Revised: 24 June 2014
Accepted: 28 June 2014
Published: 20 September 2014
Alessandra Pantano
Department of Mathematics
University of California, Irvine
Irvine, CA 92697
United States
Annegret Paul
Department of Mathematics
Western Michigan University
Kalamazoo, MI 49008
United States
Susana Salamanca Riba
Department of Mathematics
New Mexico State University
Las Cruces, NM 88003
United States