Vol. 272, No. 1, 2014

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On a Liu–Yau type inequality for surfaces

Oussama Hijazi, Sebastián Montiel and Simon Raulot

Vol. 272 (2014), No. 1, 177–199

Let Ω be a compact mean-convex domain with smooth boundary Σ := Ω, in an initial data set (M3,g,K), which has no apparent horizon in its interior. If Σ is spacelike in a spacetime (4,g) with spacelike mean curvature vector such that Σ admits an isometric and isospin immersion into 3 with mean curvature H0, then

Σ||dΣ ΣH02 ||dΣ.

If equality occurs, we prove that there exists a local isometric immersion of Ω in 3,1 (the Minkowski spacetime) with second fundamental form given by K. We also examine, under weaker conditions, the case where the spacetime is the (n + 2)-dimensional Minkowski space n+1,1 and establish a stronger rigidity result.

manifolds with boundary, Dirac operator, Einstein equations, initial data set, mean curvature, holographic principle
Mathematical Subject Classification 2010
Primary: 53C27, 53C40, 53C80
Received: 30 June 2013
Revised: 17 September 2013
Accepted: 1 October 2013
Published: 9 October 2014
Oussama Hijazi
Institut Élie Cartan de Lorraine
Université de Lorraine
Nancy I, Boîte Postale 239
54506 Vandoeuvre-Lès-Nancy Cedex
Sebastián Montiel
Departamento de Geometría y Topología
Universidad de Granada
18071 Granada
Simon Raulot
Laboratoire de Mathématiques Raphaël Salem UMR 6085 CNRS
Université de Rouen Avenue de l’Université
Boîte Postale 12 Technopôle du Madrillet
76801 Saint-Étienne-du-Rouvray