Vol. 274, No. 1, 2015

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$F$-zips with additional structure

Richard Pink, Torsten Wedhorn and Paul Ziegler

Vol. 274 (2015), No. 1, 183–236

Let Fq be a fixed finite field of cardinality q. An F-zip over a scheme S over Fq is a certain object of semilinear algebra consisting of a locally free sheaf of OS-modules with a descending filtration and an ascending filtration and a Frobq-twisted isomorphism between the respective graded sheaves. In this article we define and systematically investigate what might be called “F-zips with a G-structure”, for an arbitrary reductive linear algebraic group G over Fq.

These objects come in two incarnations. One incarnation is an exact Fq-linear tensor functor from the category of finite dimensional representations of G over Fq to the category of F-zips over S. Locally any such functor has a type χ, which is a cocharacter of Gk for a finite extension k of Fq that determines the ranks of the graded pieces of the filtrations. The other incarnation is a certain G-torsor analogue of the notion of F-zips. We prove that both incarnations define stacks that are naturally equivalent to a quotient stack of the form [EG,χGk] that was studied in our earlier paper (Doc. Math. 16 (2011), 253–300). By the results of this work they are therefore smooth algebraic stacks of dimension 0 over k. Using our previous work we can also classify the isomorphism classes of such objects over an algebraically closed field, describe their automorphism groups, and determine which isomorphism classes can degenerate into which others.

For classical groups we can deduce the corresponding results for twisted or untwisted symplectic, orthogonal, or unitary F-zips, a part of which has been described before by Moonen and Wedhorn (Int. Math. Res. Not. 2004:72, 3855–3903). The results can be applied to the algebraic de Rham cohomology of smooth projective varieties (or generalizations thereof) and to truncated Barsotti–Tate groups of level 1. In addition, we hope that our systematic group theoretical approach will help to understand the analogue of the Ekedahl–Oort stratification of the special fibers of arbitrary Shimura varieties.

F-zips, Ekedahl–Oort strata, De Rham cohomology
Mathematical Subject Classification 2010
Primary: 14F40, 14L30, 18D10, 20G40
Secondary: 14L05
Received: 5 September 2013
Revised: 3 April 2014
Accepted: 4 April 2014
Published: 2 March 2015
Richard Pink
Department of Mathematics
ETH Zürich
CH-8092 Zürich
Torsten Wedhorn
Institut für Mathematik
Universität Paderborn
Warburger Strasse 100
D-33098 Paderborn
Paul Ziegler
Department of Mathematics
ETH Zürich
CH-8092 Zürich