Vol. 275, No. 2, 2015

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The Johnson–Morita theory for the ring of Fricke characters of free groups

Takao Satoh

Vol. 275 (2015), No. 2, 443–461

For a free group Fn of rank n, we consider the ring X(Fn) of SL(2, )-characters of Fn generated by all Fricke characters trx for x Fn. Its ideal J generated by trx 2 for all x Fn is AutFn-invariant. We denote by n(1) the subgroup of the automorphism group AutFn of Fn consisting of all automorphisms which act on JJ2 trivially. The group n(1) is regarded as a Fricke character analogue of the IA-automorphism group of Fn and the Torelli subgroup of the mapping class group of a surface. In our previous work, we constructed a homomorphism η1 from n(1) into Hom(JJ2,J2J3) as a Fricke character analogue of the first Johnson homomorphisms of the mapping class group and AutFn.

In this paper, according to Morita’s work for the extension of the first Johnson homomorphism of the mapping class group, we extend η1 to AutFn as a crossed homomorphism. We see that the obtained crossed homomorphism η is not null cohomologous. We also compute the images of Nielsen’s generators of AutFn by η.

ring of Fricke characters, automorphism group of free groups, IA-automorphism group, Andreadakis–Johnson filtration, Johnson homomorphisms
Mathematical Subject Classification 2010
Primary: 20F28
Secondary: 20J06
Received: 21 July 2014
Revised: 24 October 2014
Accepted: 7 November 2014
Published: 15 May 2015
Correction: 16 July 2018
Takao Satoh
Department of Mathematics
Faculty of Science Division II
Tokyo University of Science
1-3 Kagurazaka
Tokyo 162-8601