Vol. 280, No. 2, 2016

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Sigma theory and twisted conjugacy, II: Houghton groups and pure symmetric automorphism groups

Daciberg L. Gonçalves and Parameswaran Sankaran

Vol. 280 (2016), No. 2, 349–369

Let ϕ : Γ Γ be an automorphism of a group Γ. We say that x,y Γ are in the same ϕ-twisted conjugacy class and write x ϕy if there exists an element γ Γ such that y = γxϕ(γ1). This is an equivalence relation on Γ called the ϕ-twisted conjugacy. Let R(ϕ) denote the number of ϕ-twisted conjugacy classes in Γ. If R(ϕ) is infinite for all ϕ Aut(Γ), we say that Γ has the R -property.

The purpose of this note is to show that the symmetric group S, the Houghton groups and the pure symmetric automorphism groups have the R -property. We show, also, that the Richard Thompson group T has the R -property. We obtain a general result establishing the R -property of the finite direct product of finitely generated groups.

This is a sequel to an earlier work by Gonçalves and Kochloukova, in which it was shown using the sigma theory of Bieri, Neumann and Strebel that, for most of the groups Γ considered here, R(ϕ) = where ϕ varies in a finite index subgroup of the automorphisms of Γ.

twisted conjugacy, Reidemeister number, sigma theory, Houghton groups, infinite symmetric group, pure symmetric automorphism groups
Mathematical Subject Classification 2010
Primary: 20E45
Secondary: 20E36
Received: 27 December 2014
Revised: 15 June 2015
Accepted: 6 July 2015
Published: 28 January 2016
Daciberg L. Gonçalves
Department of Mathematics
Institute of Mathematics and Statistics
University of São Paulo
Caixa Postal 66281
05314-970 São Paulo-SP
Parameswaran Sankaran
The Institute of Mathematical Sciences
CIT Campus
Taramani, Chennai 600113