Vol. 280, No. 2, 2016

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No hyperbolic pants for the 4-body problem with strong potential

Connor Jackman and Richard Montgomery

Vol. 280 (2016), No. 2, 401–410

The N-body problem with a 1r2 potential has, in addition to translation and rotational symmetry, an effective scale symmetry which allows its zero energy flow to be reduced to a geodesic flow on complex projective (N 2)-space, minus a hyperplane arrangement. When N = 3 we get a geodesic flow on the 2-sphere minus three points. If, in addition we assume that the three masses are equal, then it was proved in a previous paper that the corresponding metric is hyperbolic: its Gaussian curvature is negative except at two points. Does the negative curvature property persist for N = 4, that is, in the equal mass 1r2 potential 4-body problem? Here we prove that it does not by computing that the corresponding Riemannian metric in this N = 4 case has positive sectional curvature at some 2-planes. This curvature computation underlines an essential difference between the 3- and 4-body problem, a difference whose consequences remain to be explored.

$N$-body problems, dynamical systems, differential geometry, hyperbolic flows
Mathematical Subject Classification 2010
Primary: 37N05, 70F10, 70G45
Received: 5 February 2015
Revised: 8 May 2015
Accepted: 3 September 2015
Published: 28 January 2016
Connor Jackman
Department of Mathematics
University of California
Santa Cruz, CA 95064
United States
Richard Montgomery
Department of Mathematics
University of California
Santa Cruz, CA 95064
United States