Vol. 281, No. 1, 2016

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Ricci tensor of real hypersurfaces

Mayuko Kon

Vol. 281 (2016), No. 1, 103–123

Let M be a real hypersurface of a complex space form Mn(c), c0, and suppose that the structure vector field ξ is an eigen vector field of the Ricci tensor S, which satisfies Sξ = βξ where β is a function. We show that if (XS)Y is proportional to ξ for any vector fields X and Y orthogonal to ξ, then M is a Hopf hypersurface, and if it is perpendicular to ξ, then M is a ruled real hypersurface.

real hypersurface, Ricci tensor
Mathematical Subject Classification 2010
Primary: 53C40
Secondary: 53C55, 53C25
Received: 7 May 2015
Revised: 21 July 2015
Accepted: 24 July 2015
Published: 9 February 2016
Mayuko Kon
Faculty of Education
Shinshu University
6-Ro, Nishinagano
Nagano City 380-8544