We show that the quantisation of a connected simply connected Poisson–Lie group
admits a left-covariant noncommutative differential structure at lowest deformation
order if and only if the dual of its Lie algebra admits a pre-Lie algebra structure. As
an example, we find a pre-Lie algebra structure underlying the standard
-dimensional differential
structure on .
At the noncommutative geometry level we show that the enveloping algebra
of a Lie algebra
, viewed as
quantisation of
admits a connected differential exterior algebra of classical dimension if and only if
admits a pre-Lie algebra structure. We give an example where
is solvable
and we extend the construction to tangent and cotangent spaces of Poisson–Lie groups
by using bicross-sum and bosonisation of Lie bialgebras. As an example, we obtain a
left-covariant differential structure on the bicrossproduct quantum group