Our purpose is to study the geometry of gradient almost Ricci
solitons isometrically immersed either in the hyperbolic space
, in the de Sitter
, or in the
anti-de Sitter space
In each one of these ambient spaces we obtain extensions of a classical theorem due
to Nomizu and Smith. More precisely, we show that the totally umbilical
hypersurfaces are the only immersed hypersurfaces of such ambient spaces which
admit a structure of gradient almost Ricci soliton via the tangential component of a
certain fixed vector, and whose image of the Gauss mapping is also totally umbilical.
Furthermore, in the case that the structure of gradient almost Ricci soliton is
nontrivial, we conclude that such a hypersurface must be isometric either to
, when the
ambient space is
, or to
, when the
ambient space is
almost Ricci solitons, hyperbolic space, de Sitter space,
anti-de Sitter space, mean curvature, Gauss mapping