Vol. 290, No. 1, 2017

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Fundamental domains of arithmetic quotients of reductive groups over number fields

Lee Tim Weng

Appendix: Takao Watanabe

Vol. 290 (2017), No. 1, 139–168

For a connected reductive algebraic group G over a number field 𝕜, we investigate the Ryshkov domain RQ associated to a maximal 𝕜-parabolic subgroup Q of G. By considering the arithmetic quotients G(𝕜)G(𝔸)1K and ΓiG(𝕜)K, with K a maximal compact subgroup of the adele group G(𝔸) and the Γi arithmetic subgroups of G(𝕜), we present a method of constructing fundamental domains for Q(𝕜)RQ and ΓiG(𝕜)1 . We also study the particular case when G = GL n, and subsequently construct fundamental domains for Pn, the cone of positive definite Humbert forms over 𝕜, with respect to the subgroups Γi.

fundamental domain, arithmetic quotient, Ryshkov domain, Humbert form, Voronoi reduction
Mathematical Subject Classification 2010
Primary: 11H55
Secondary: 11F06
Received: 31 May 2015
Revised: 23 January 2017
Accepted: 23 January 2017
Published: 7 July 2017
Lee Tim Weng
Graduate School of Science
Osaka University
Takao Watanabe
Graduate School of Science
Osaka University