Vol. 291, No. 2, 2017

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Uniform stable radius, Lê numbers and topological triviality for line singularities

Christophe Eyral

Vol. 291 (2017), No. 2, 359–367

Let {ft} be a family of complex polynomial functions with line singularities. We show that if {ft} has a uniform stable radius (for the corresponding Milnor fibrations), then the Lê numbers of the functions ft are independent of t for all small t. A similar assertion was proved by M. Oka and D. B. O’Shea in the case of isolated singularities — a case for which the only nonzero Lê number coincides with the Milnor number.

By combining our result with a theorem of J. Fernández de Bobadilla, we conclude that a family of line singularities in n, n 5, is topologically trivial if it has a uniform stable radius.

As an important example, we show that families of weighted homogeneous line singularities have a uniform stable radius if the nearby fibres ft1(η), η0, are “uniformly” nonsingular with respect to the deformation parameter t.

line singularities, uniform stable radius, Lê numbers, equisingularity
Mathematical Subject Classification 2010
Primary: 14B05, 14B07, 14J17, 14J70
Secondary: 32S05, 32S25
Received: 27 April 2017
Accepted: 11 May 2017
Published: 14 September 2017
Christophe Eyral
Institute of Mathematics
Polish Academy of Sciences
00-656 Warsaw