We establish geometric regularity estimates for diffusive models driven by fully
nonlinear second-order parabolic operators with measurable coefficients under a
strong absorption condition as follows:
is a bounded
and smooth domain,
bounded away from zero and infinity. Such models arise in applied sciences and become
mathematically interesting because they permit the formation of dead-core zones, i.e.,
regions where nonnegative solutions vanish identically. Our main result gives sharp and
parabolic regularity estimates along the free boundary
. In
addition, we derive weak geometric and measure-theoretic properties of solutions and their
free boundaries as: nondegeneracy, porosity, uniform positive density and finite speed
of propagation. As an application, we prove a Liouville type result for entire solutions
and we carry out a blow-up analysis. Finally, we prove the finiteness of parabolic
measure of the free boundary for a particular class of operators.