Li-Bland’s correspondence between linear Courant algebroids and Lie
is explained at the level of linear and core sections versus graded functions, and
shown to be an equivalence of categories. More precisely, decomposed VB-Courant
algebroids are shown to be equivalent to split Lie 2-algebroids in the same manner as
decomposed VB-algebroids are equivalent to 2-term representations up to homotopy
(Gracia-Saz and Mehta). Several special cases are discussed, yielding new examples of
split Lie 2-algebroids.
We prove that the bicrossproduct of a matched pair of
-representations is a
split Lie
and we explain this result geometrically, as a consequence of the equivalence of VB-Courant algebroids
and Lie
This explains in particular how the two notions of the “double” of a matched
pair of representations are geometrically related. In the same manner, we
explain the geometric link between the two notions of the double of a Lie
Lie 2-algebroids, VB-Courant algebroids, Dorfman
connections, representations up to homotopy, matched pairs,
Lie bialgebroids