We develop a geometric approach using convex polyhedral cones to build Laurent
expansions for multivariate meromorphic germs with linear poles, which naturally
arise in various contexts in mathematics and physics. We express such a germ as a
sum of a holomorphic germ and a linear combination of special nonholomorphic
germs called polar germs. In analyzing the supporting cones — cones that reflect
the pole structure of the polar germs — we obtain a geometric criterion
for the nonholomorphicity of linear combinations of polar germs. For any
given germ, the above decomposition yields a Laurent expansion which is
unique up to suitable subdivisions of the supporting cones. These Laurent
expansions lead to new concepts on the space of meromorphic germs, such
as a generalization of Jeffrey–Kirwan’s residue and a filtered residue, all
of which are independent of the choice of the specific Laurent expansion.