To a direct sum of holomorphic line bundles, we can associate two fibrations, whose
fibers are, respectively, the corresponding full flag manifold and the corresponding
projective space. Iterating these procedures gives, respectively, a flag Bott tower and
a generalized Bott tower. It is known that a generalized Bott tower is a toric
manifold. However a flag Bott tower is not toric in general but we show that it
is a GKM manifold, and we also show that for a given generalized Bott
tower we can find the associated flag Bott tower so that the closure of a
generic torus orbit in the latter is a blow-up of the former along certain
invariant submanifolds. We use GKM theory together with toric geometric
flag Bott tower, flag Bott manifold, generalized Bott
manifold, GKM theory, toric manifold, blow-up