The combinatorial Yamabe flow was introduced by Luo (2004) to study the combinatorial
Yamabe problem. To handle the possible singularities along the combinatorial
Yamabe flow, Ge and Jiang initiated the “extended Yamabe flow algorithm”, while
Gu, Luo, Sun and Wu initiated the “doing surgery by flipping algorithm”. We
generalize Ge and Jiang’s results on the extended combinatorial Yamabe flow from
based on the work of Bobenko, Pinkall and Springborn on the explicit
formula of the Ricci potential functional. On the other hand, we generalize
the work of Gu et al. on the combinatorial Yamabe flow with surgery from
by a new discrete conformal theory and discrete uniformization
theorems established by Gu et al. It is shown that for our generalized
-th flows
there exists only curvature convergence but no exponential convergence as in the case
combinatorial Yamabe flow, combinatorial Ricci potential,
variational principles, surgery
Key Laboratory of High Performance
Computing and Stochastic Information Processing (HPCSIP)
College of Mathematics and Statistics
Hunan Normal University
Changsha 410081