Vol. 319, No. 2, 2022

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Quiver Hall–Littlewood functions and Kostka–Shoji polynomials

Daniel Orr and Mark Shimozono

Vol. 319 (2022), No. 2, 397–437

For any triple (i,a,μ) consisting of a vertex i in a quiver Q, a positive integer a, and a dominant GL a-weight μ, we define a quiver current Hμ(i,a) acting on the tensor power ΛQ of symmetric functions over the vertices of Q. These provide a quiver generalization of parabolic Garsia–Jing creation operators in the theory of Hall–Littlewood symmetric functions. For a triple (i = (i1,,im),a = (a1,,am),(μ(1),,μ(m))) of sequences of such data, we define the quiver Hall–Littlewood function Hμ( )i,a as the result of acting on 1 ΛQ by the corresponding sequence of quiver currents. The quiver Kostka–Shoji polynomials are the expansion coefficients of Hμ( )i,a in the tensor Schur basis. These polynomials include the Kostka–Foulkes polynomials and parabolic Kostka polynomials (Jordan quiver) and the Kostka–Shoji polynomials (cyclic quiver) as special cases.

We show that the quiver Kostka–Shoji polynomials are graded multiplicities in the equivariant Euler characteristic of a vector bundle (determined by μ()) on Lusztig’s convolution diagram determined by the sequences i and a. For certain compositions of currents we conjecture higher cohomology vanishing of the associated vector bundle on Lusztig’s convolution diagram. For quivers with no branching, we propose an explicit positive formula for the quiver Kostka–Shoji polynomials in terms of catabolizable multitableaux.

We also relate our constructions to K-theoretic Hall algebras, by realizing the quiver Kostka–Shoji polynomials as natural structure constants and showing that the quiver currents provide a symmetric function lifting of the corresponding shuffle product. In the case of a cyclic quiver, we explain how the quiver currents arise in Saito’s vertex representation of the quantum toroidal algebra of type 𝔰𝔩r.

quiver Hall–Littlewood functions, Kostka–Shoji polynomials
Mathematical Subject Classification
Primary: 05E05
Secondary: 14M15, 17B37, 20G05
Received: 15 April 2021
Revised: 18 May 2022
Accepted: 20 June 2022
Published: 11 September 2022
Daniel Orr
Department of Mathematics
Virginia Tech
Blacksburg, VA
United States
Mark Shimozono
Department of Mathematics
Virginia Tech
Blacksburg, VA
United States