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The $i$-quantum group $\boldsymbol U^\imath(n)$

Jie Du and Yadi Wu

Vol. 320 (2022), No. 1, 61–101

This paper reveals some new structural property for the i-quantum group Uı(n) and constructs a certain hyperalgebra from the new structure which has connections to finite symplectic groups at the modular representation level. This work is built on certain finite dimensional (υ)-algebras 𝒮ı(n,r) whose integral form 𝒮𝒵ı(n,r) is investigated as a convolution algebra arising from the geometry of type C in Bao et al. (2018). Similar to the approach in Lai and Luo 2021 or Luo and Wang 2022, we investigate 𝒮𝒵ı(n,r) as an endomorphism algebra of a certain q-permutation module over the Hecke algebra of type Cr and interpret the convolution product as a composition of module homomorphisms. We then prove that the action of Uı(n) on the r-fold tensor space of the natural representation of U(𝔤𝔩2n) (via an embedding Uı(n)U(𝔤𝔩2n)) coincides with an action given by multiplications in 𝒮ı(n,r). In this way, we reestablish the surjective homomorphism from Uı(n) to 𝒮ı(n,r) due to Bao and Wang (2018). We then embed Uı(n) into the direct product of 𝒮ı(n,r) and completely determine its image. This gives a new realisation for Uı(n) and, as an application, the aforementioned hyperalgebra is an easy consequence of this new construction.

quantum linear group, $q$-Schur algebra, $\imath$-quantum group, quantum Schur–Weyl duality, finite symplectic group
Mathematical Subject Classification
Primary: 16T20, 17B37, 20C08, 20C33, 20G43
Received: 16 November 2021
Revised: 16 July 2022
Accepted: 30 July 2022
Published: 16 October 2022
Jie Du
School of Mathematics and Statistics
University of New South Wales
Yadi Wu
Institute of Mathematics
Academy of Mathematics and System Science
Chinese Academy of Sciences