In 1993 David Vogan proposed a basis for the vector space of stable distributions on
groups using the microlocal geometry of moduli spaces of Langlands parameters.
In the case of general linear groups, distribution characters of irreducible
admissible representations, taken up to equivalence, form a basis for the
vector space of stable distributions. In this paper we show that these two
bases, one putative, cannot be equal. Specifically, we use the Kashiwara–Saito
singularity to find a non-Arthur type irreducible admissible representation of
ABV-packet, as defined by Cunningham et al. (2022b), contains exactly one other
representation. Consequently, for general linear groups, while all A-packets are
singletons, some ABV-packets are not. In the course of the proof of this result, we
strengthen the main result concerning the Kashiwara–Saito singularity by Kashiwara
and Saito (1997).