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Elements of higher homotopy groups undetectable by polyhedral approximation

John K. Aceti and Jeremy Brazas

Vol. 322 (2023), No. 2, 221–242

When nontrivial local structures are present in a topological space X, a common approach to characterizing the isomorphism type of the n-th homotopy group πn(X,x0) is to consider the image of πn(X,x0) in the n-th Čech homotopy group πˇn(X,x0) under the canonical homomorphism Ψn : πn(X,x0) πˇn(X,x0). The subgroup ker (Ψn) is the obstruction to this tactic as it consists of precisely those elements of πn(X,x0), which cannot be detected by polyhedral approximations to X. In this paper, we use higher dimensional analogues of Spanier groups to characterize ker (Ψn). In particular, we prove that if X is paracompact, Hausdorff, and LCn1, then ker (Ψn) is equal to the n-th Spanier group of X. We also use the perspective of higher Spanier groups to generalize a theorem of Kozlowski–Segal, which gives conditions ensuring that Ψn is an isomorphism.

shape homotopy group, higher Spanier group, $\pi_n$-shape injective, $n$-dimensional earring space
Mathematical Subject Classification
Primary: 55P55, 55Q07, 55Q52
Secondary: 54C56
Received: 14 August 2022
Revised: 17 February 2023
Accepted: 18 February 2023
Published: 23 May 2023
John K. Aceti
Department of Mathematics
West Chester University
West Chester, PA
United States
Jeremy Brazas
Department of Mathematics
West Chester University
West Chester, PA
United States

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