We determine the topology of the spaces of convex polyhedra inscribed in the unit
and the spaces of strictly Delaunay geodesic triangulations of the unit
These spaces can be regarded as discretized groups of diffeomorphisms of the unit
Hence, it is natural to conjecture that these spaces have the same homotopy types as those
of their smooth counterparts. The main result of this paper confirms this conjecture for the
It follows from an observation on the variational principles on triangulated surfaces
developed by I. Rivin.
On the contrary, the similar conjecture does not hold in the cases of flat tori and
convex polygons. We will construct simple examples of flat tori and convex polygons
such that the corresponding spaces of Delaunay geodesic triangulations are not
geodesic triangulations, angle structures, Delaunay
triangulations, spaces of embeddings
Mathematical Subject Classification
Primary: 05C62, 58D10
Received: 22 April 2022
Revised: 21 November 2022
Accepted: 7 March 2023
Published: 29 May 2023
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