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Horospherical coordinates of lattice points in hyperbolic spaces: effective counting and equidistribution

Tal Horesh and Amos Nevo

Vol. 324 (2023), No. 2, 265–294

We establish effective counting results for lattice points in families of domains in real, complex and quaternionic hyperbolic spaces of any dimension. The domains we focus on are defined as product sets with respect to an Iwasawa decomposition. Several natural diophantine problems can be reduced to counting lattice points in such domains. These include equidistribution of the ratio of the length of the shortest solution (x,y) to the gcd equation bx ay = 1 relative to the length of (a,b), where (a,b) ranges over primitive vectors in a disc whose radius increases, the natural analog of this problem in imaginary quadratic number fields, as well as equidistribution of integral solutions to the diophantine equation defined by an integral Lorentz form in three or more variables. We establish an effective rate of convergence for these equidistribution problems, depending on the size of the spectral gap associated with a suitable lattice subgroup in the isometry group of the relevant hyperbolic space. The main result underlying our discussion amounts to establishing effective joint equidistribution for the horospherical component and the radial component in the Iwasawa decomposition of lattice elements.

hyperbolic spaces, horospherical coordinates, equidistribution of lattice points, spectral gap
Mathematical Subject Classification
Primary: 22E30, 22E40
Received: 24 October 2021
Revised: 29 December 2022
Accepted: 29 January 2023
Published: 26 July 2023
Tal Horesh
IST Austria
Amos Nevo
Department of Mathematics
Technion — Israel Institute of Technology

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