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The structure of groups with all proper quotients virtually nilpotent

Benjamin Klopsch and Martyn Quick

Vol. 325 (2023), No. 1, 147–189
DOI: 10.2140/pjm.2023.325.147

Just infinite groups play a significant role in profinite group theory. For each c 0, we consider more generally JNNcF profinite (or, in places, discrete) groups that are Fitting-free; these are the groups G such that every proper quotient of G is virtually class-c nilpotent whereas G itself is not, and additionally G does not have any nontrivial abelian normal subgroup. When c = 1, we obtain the just non-(virtually abelian) groups without nontrivial abelian normal subgroups.

Our first result is that a finitely generated profinite group is virtually class-c nilpotent if and only if there are only finitely many subgroups arising as the lower central series terms γc+1(K) of open normal subgroups K of G. Based on this we prove several structure theorems. For instance, we characterize the JNNcF profinite groups in terms of subgroups of the above form γc+1(K). We also give a description of JNNcF profinite groups as suitable inverse limits of virtually nilpotent profinite groups. Analogous results are established for the family of hereditarily JNNcF groups and, for instance, we show that a Fitting-free JNNcF profinite (or discrete) group is hereditarily JNNcF if and only if every maximal subgroup of finite index is JNNcF. Finally, we give a construction of hereditarily JNNcF groups, which uses as an input known families of hereditarily just infinite groups.

profinite groups, residually finite groups, just infinite groups, just non-nilpotent-by-finite groups, virtually nilpotent groups, inverse system characterizations
Mathematical Subject Classification
Primary: 20E18
Secondary: 20E26, 20F19
Received: 15 December 2022
Revised: 1 August 2023
Accepted: 1 August 2023
Published: 3 September 2023
Benjamin Klopsch
Mathematisches Institut
Martyn Quick
School of Mathematics & Statistics
University of St Andrews
St Andrews
United Kingdom

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