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ISSN 1945-5844 (electronic)
ISSN 0030-8730 (print)
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Smooth local solutions to Schrödinger flows with damping term for maps into symplectic manifolds

Bo Chen and Youde Wang

Modules over the planar Galilean conformal algebra arising from free modules of rank one

Jin Cheng, Dongfang Gao and Ziting Zeng

$F$-algebroids and deformation quantization via pre-Lie algebroids

John Alexander Cruz Morales, Jiefeng Liu and Yunhe Sheng

Existence of principal values of some singular integrals on Cantor sets, and Hausdorff dimension

Julià Cufí, Juan Jesús Donaire, Pertti Mattila and Joan Verdera

Certain Fourier operators and their associated Poisson summation formulae on $\mathrm{GL}_1$

Dihua Jiang and Zhilin Luo

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