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Characterizing the Fourier transform by its properties

Mateusz Krukowski

Vol. 329 (2024), No. 2, 217–232

It is common knowledge that the Fourier transform enjoys the convolution property, i.e., it turns convolution in the time domain into multiplication in the frequency domain. It is probably less known that this property characterizes the Fourier transform amongst all linear and bounded operators T : L1 Cb. Thus, a natural question arises: are there other features characterizing the Fourier transform besides convolution property? We provide an affirmative answer by investigating the time differentiation property and its discrete counterpart, used to characterize discrete-time Fourier transform. Next, we move on to locally compact abelian groups, where differentiation becomes meaningless, but the Fourier transform can be characterized via time shifts. The penultimate section of the paper returns to the convolution characterization, this time in the context of compact (not necessarily abelian) groups. We demonstrate that the proof existing in the literature can be greatly simplified with the aid of representation theory techniques. Lastly, we hint at the possibility of other transforms being characterized by their properties and demonstrate that the Hankel transform may be characterized by a Bessel-type differential property.

Fourier transform, convolution property, representation theory on compact groups, Hankel transform
Mathematical Subject Classification
Primary: 42A38, 43A25, 43A30
Received: 20 February 2024
Revised: 22 June 2024
Accepted: 23 June 2024
Published: 6 July 2024
Mateusz Krukowski
Institute of Mathematics
Łódź University of Technology

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