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Convergence for complex Gaussian multiplicative chaos on phase boundaries

Hubert Lacoin

Vol. 5 (2024), No. 2, 491–544

The complex Gaussian multiplicative chaos (or complex GMC) is informally defined as a random distribution eγX d x where X is a log -correlated Gaussian field on d and γ = α + iβ is a complex parameter. The correlation function of X is of the form

K(x,y) = log 1 |x y| + L(x,y),

where L is a continuous function. We consider the cases γ 𝒫I/II and γ 𝒫II/III where

𝒫I/II :={α + iβ : α,β ; |α|(d2,2d); |α| + |β| = 2d}


𝒫II/III :={α + iβ : α,β ; |α| = d2; |β|d2}.

We prove that if X is replaced by an approximation X𝜀 obtained via mollification, then eγX𝜀 d x, when properly rescaled, converges when 𝜀 0. The limit does not depend on the mollification kernel. When γ 𝒫I/II , the convergence holds in probability and in Lp for some value of p [1,2dα). When γ 𝒫II/III , the convergence holds only in law. In this latter case, the limit can be described as a complex Gaussian white noise with a random intensity given by a critical real GMC. The regions 𝒫I/II and 𝒫II/III correspond to the phase boundary between the three different regions of the complex GMC phase diagram. These results complete previous results obtained for the GMC in phases I and III and only leave as an open problem the question of convergence in phase II.

random distributions, $\log$-correlated fields, Gaussian multiplicative chaos
Mathematical Subject Classification
Primary: 60F99, 60G15, 82B99
Received: 18 January 2023
Revised: 13 November 2023
Accepted: 8 January 2024
Published: 26 May 2024
Hubert Lacoin
IMPA, Institudo de Matemática Pura e Aplicada
Rio de Janeiro