We prove the existence of a tricritical point for the Blume–Capel model on
for every
. The
proof for
relies on a novel combinatorial mapping to an Ising model on a larger graph,
the techniques of Aizenman, Duminil-Copin, and Sidoravicious (Comm.Math. Phys.334:2 (2015), 719–742), and the celebrated infrared bound. For
, the
proof relies on a quantitative analysis of crossing probabilities of the dilute random
cluster representation of the Blume–Capel model. In particular, we develop a
quadrichotomy result in the spirit of Duminil-Copin and Tassion (Moscow Math. J.20:4
(2020), 711–740), which allows us to obtain a fine picture of the phase diagram for
, including
asymptotic behaviour of correlations in all regions. Finally, we show that the techniques
used to establish subcritical sharpness for the dilute random cluster model extend to
percolation, Ising model, Blume–Capel model, critical
phenomena, tricritical point