arboreal gas is the random (unrooted) spanning forest of a graph
in which each forest is sampled with probability proportional to
for some
, which
arises as the
limit of the Fortuin–Kastelyn random cluster model with
. We
study the infinite-volume limits of the arboreal gas on the hypercubic lattice
, and prove
that when
any translation-invariant infinite-volume Gibbs measure contains at most
one infinite tree almost surely. Together with the existence theorem of
Bauerschmidt, Crawford and Helmuth (2021), this establishes that for
there exists a value of
above which subsequential
weak limits of the
gas on tori have exactly one infinite tree almost surely. We also show
that the infinite trees of any translation-invariant Gibbs measure on
are one-ended almost surely in every dimension. The proof has two main
ingredients: First, we prove a resampling property for translation-invariant arboreal
gas Gibbs measures in every dimension, stating that the restriction of the
arboreal gas to the trace of the union of its infinite trees is distributed as the
uniform spanning forest on this same trace. Second, we prove that the uniform
spanning forest of any translation-invariant random connected subgraph of
is connected
almost surely when
This proof also provides strong heuristic evidence for the conjecture that the
supercritical arboreal gas contains infinitely many infinite trees in dimensions
Along the way, we give the first systematic and axiomatic treatment of Gibbs
measures for models of this form including the random cluster model and the uniform
spanning tree.
arboreal gas, random forests, spanning forests, random
walks, uniform spanning tree, Gibbs measures