be an artinian local ring with perfect residue class field
. We associate to certain
-displays over the small
ring of Witt vectors
a crystal on
be a scheme
of K3 type over
We define a perfect bilinear form on the second crystalline cohomology group
which generalizes the Beauville–Bogomolov form for hyper-Kähler varieties over
We use this form to prove a lifting criterion of Grothendieck–Messing
type for schemes of K3 type. The crystalline cohomology
is endowed with the
structure of a
such that the Beauville–Bogomolov form becomes a bilinear form in the sense of displays. If
is ordinary, the infinitesimal
deformations of
correspond bijectively to infinitesimal deformations of the
with its Beauville–Bogomolov form. For ordinary K3 surfaces
prove that the slope spectral sequence of the de Rham–Witt complex degenerates and
has a canonical Hodge–Witt decomposition.