Volume 5 Number 1
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ISSN (electronic): 2329-907X
ISSN (print): 2329-9061
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Author Index – K
Kaluderovic, Novak
Cryptanalysis of the generalised Legendre pseudorandom function
Katsura, Toshiyuki
Counting Richelot isogenies between superspecial abelian surfaces
Kedlaya, Kiran
Hypergeometric L-functions in Average Polynomial Time
Mod-2 dihedral Galois representations of prime conductor
Zeta functions of nondegenerate hypersurfaces in toric varieties via controlled reduction in $p$-adic cohomology
Keil, Stefan
On the density of abelian surfaces with Tate-Shafarevich group of order five times a square
Kirchner, Paul
The nearest-colattice algorithm: time-approximation tradeoff for approx-CVP
Kirk, Paul
Tangles, relative character varieties, and holonomy perturbed traceless flat moduli spaces
Klages-Mundt, Ariah
A database of elliptic curves over ${\mathbb Q}(\sqrt{5})$: a first report
Klagsbrun, Zev
New Rank Records For Elliptic Curves Having Rational Torsion
Kleinjung, Thorsten
A new perspective on the powers of two descent for discrete logarithms in finite fields
Cryptanalysis of the generalised Legendre pseudorandom function
Finding ECM-friendly curves through a study of Galois properties
Kloosterman, Remke
On the density of abelian surfaces with Tate-Shafarevich group of order five times a square
Kohel, David
Arithmetic statistics of Galois groups
Kolay, Sudipta
Branched covering simply-connected 4-manifolds
Kostic, Dusan
Cryptanalysis of the generalised Legendre pseudorandom function
Kotelskiy, Artem
Khovanov homology and strong inversions
Kudo, Momonari
Algorithms to enumerate superspecial Howe curves of genus 4