Volume 5 Number 1
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ISSN (electronic): 2329-907X
ISSN (print): 2329-9061
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Author Index – S
Saveliev, Nikolai
On the spectral sets of Inoue surfaces
Saxena, Nitin
Computing Igusa's local zeta function of univariates in deterministic polynomial-time
Scheidler, Renate
Constructing and tabulating dihedral function fields
Divisor Class Group Arithmetic on Non-hyperelliptic Genus 3 Curves
Schiavone, Sam
A database of Belyi maps
Shallue, Andrew
Fast Tabulation of Challenge Pseudoprimes
Sharaba, Paul
A database of elliptic curves over ${\mathbb Q}(\sqrt{5})$: a first report
Sijsling, Jeroen
A database of Belyi maps
Fast computation of isomorphisms of hyperelliptic curves and explicit Galois descent
Numerical computation of endomorphism rings of Jacobians
Silverberg, Alice
Deterministic elliptic curve primality proving for a special sequence of numbers
Sircana, Carlo
On the construction of class fields
Sivek, Steven
L-space knots are fibered and strongly quasipositive
Smeets, Ionica
Finding simultaneous Diophantine approximations with prescribed quality
Smith, Benjamin
Faster computation of isogenies of large prime degree
Sorenson, Brianna
An algorithm and estimates for the Erd\H{o}s-Selfridge function
Sorenson, Jonathan
An algorithm and estimates for the Erd\H{o}s-Selfridge function
Spaenlehauer, Pierre-Jean
Counting points on genus-3 hyperelliptic curves with explicit real multiplication
Stacy, Emerald
Totally p-adic Numbers of Degree 3
Stein, William
A database of elliptic curves over ${\mathbb Q}(\sqrt{5})$: a first report
Stevenhagen, Peter
Imaginary quadratic fields with isomorphic abelian Galois groups
Stipsicz, András
A note on thickness of knots
Sutherland, Andrew
A database of nonhyperelliptic genus 3 curves over Q
Counting points on superelliptic curves in average polynomial time
Deterministic elliptic curve primality proving for a special sequence of numbers
Fast Jacobian arithmetic for hyperelliptic curves of genus 3
On the evaluation of modular polynomials
Szabó, Zoltán
A note on thickness of knots