Policies for Authors
Green Open Access

MSP is a no-embargo green open access publisher. We accept submissions of work that is available on open archives in preprint form. We allow authors to deposit the last version of their manuscript after peer review (the “author’s accepted manuscript”) to the arXiv, other preprint servers, or in a subject or institutional repository. (If strictly required by the funder of the research, this version can be distributed under a CC-BY license.)
However, we do ask authors that upon publication they add a DOI link to the preprint archive’s version, directing prospective readers to the published article on the journal’s web site. The refereed, copyedited and published version of the article is, after all, the final “version of record”.
Author’s retaining copyrights
We offer all our authors the option to retain the copyright of their work. However, we must at least obtain an exclusive license for all commercial distribution of the published version of record.
Otherwise, we strongly recommend that authors provide a full transfer of copyright to MSP. This allows us to protect the work against unauthorized use, but also widely disseminate it by all means available, as we’ll remain easy to find and will readily be offering permission to third parties to republish the work in other media or collections.
Author’s distribution of published version
Upon publication, we send all authors a PDF file of their published article (the “version of record”). This file is for the author’s own use. We ask authors not to place this PDF file on their home page or open archives. Instead, they should promote the DOI link to the journal’s copy. We ask authors to remember that, if they were to make a practice of posting the final published PDF file, there would be no incentive for anyone to subscribe, and the journal could not survive.
Exceptionally, if a prospective reader has no way to download the article from the journal’s web site (that is, if their institution does not subscribe and they cannot afford to buy the article), authors can send them the PDF file.
Author’s institutional repositories
Many institutions now require or encourage their researchers to deposit published articles in their institutional repositories. MSP cooperates with this requirement by sending authors or librarians, upon demand, a copy of the version of record that is suitable for the purpose. We request that you use the final published version (the “version of record”) and not a preprint or postprint version, which are not considered definitive.
Delayed public access
All articles published by MSP become free to access and read after six years past publication (meaning on the sixth January 1st after the publication date). The Journal of Software for Algebra and Geometry is immediately free to read. None of our journals charge any author fees.
Requests for post-publication name changes
In the event that a contributor to MSP journals changes their legal or professional name, they can request that MSP adopt the change in MSP systems, erasing the old name as much as possible. MSP intends to honor such requests to the extent practicable. For our full policy on name changes, see this page.