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Celebratio Mathematica OA

The People of Mathematics
cover for Celebratio Mathematica

Cel­eb­ra­tio Math­em­at­ica is an open-ac­cess web pub­lic­a­tion that cel­eb­rates the people of math­em­at­ics and serves the pub­lic in­terest of the math­em­at­ic­al com­munity. CM is struc­tured as a series of col­lec­ted-works volumes or, rather, en­hanced guides to the col­lec­ted works of se­lec­ted sci­ent­ists, with the ad­ded ad­vant­ages of elec­tron­ic me­dia.

Cel­eb­ra­tio Math­em­at­ica or­gan­izes, dis­plays and pre­serves bio­graph­ic and bib­li­o­graph­ic in­form­a­tion, in­dex­ing all doc­u­ments deemed worthy of in­clu­sion in a col­lec­ted-works volume. These can in­clude un­pub­lished doc­u­ments, let­ters, in­ter­views, and more, as well as host­ing of those works for which re­pub­lish­ing rights can be se­cured. CM also in­cludes com­ment­ar­ies and sur­veys of the sci­ent­ists’ work, pho­to­graphs, re­col­lec­tions, var­ied mem­or­ab­il­ia, and in­form­a­tion on his or her gradu­ate stu­dents.

Cel­eb­ra­tio Math­em­at­ica’s in­de­pend­ent ad­vis­ory board chooses the sci­ent­ists based on sci­entif­ic mer­it, schol­arly in­terest, and ed­it­or­i­al op­por­tun­ity.

Most con­tent on Cel­eb­ra­tio Math­em­at­ica is made avail­able un­der a Cre­at­ive Com­mons At­tri­bu­tion li­cense (CC BY), ex­cept for the bib­li­o­graph­ies (which will be offered as part of the pub­lic do­main) and for such con­tent that the copy­right own­ers (oth­er than MSP) wish to keep un­der a more re­strict­ive li­cense.

Cel­eb­ra­tio Math­em­at­ica is sup­por­ted by pub­lic gen­er­os­ity. Con­tri­bu­tions from in­sti­tu­tions and from in­di­vidu­als in the math­em­at­ic­al com­munity fin­ance the de­vel­op­ment and main­ten­ance of the site and al­low MSP to provide open ac­cess to its con­tent. Please con­sider mak­ing a dona­tion; your gift will be re­served for Cel­eb­ra­tio Math­em­at­ica. Since MSP is a non­profit 501(c)(3) or­gan­iz­a­tion, your gift may be tax de­duct­ible. To learn how to donate, please vis­it our donor in­form­a­tion page.

Ad­vis­ory Board

  • Ro­bi­on C. Kirby  (Univ. of Cali­for­nia, Berke­ley)
  • Joel Hass  (Univ. of Cali­for­nia, Dav­is)
  • Robert V. Kohn  (New York Univ.)
  • Barry C. Mazur  (Har­vard Univ.)
  • Kar­en Hun­ger Par­shall  (Univ. of Vir­gin­ia)
  • James W. Pit­man  (Univ. of Cali­for­nia, Berke­ley)
  • Ruth J. Wil­li­ams  (Univ. of Cali­for­nia, San Diego)