Electronic-Journal License Agreements

To sub­scribe to one of journ­als or pack­ages, you may opt to sign a Li­cense Agree­ment, or use the Shared Elec­tron­ic Re­source Un­der­stand­ing.

License agreement for our journals  

SERU (Shared Electronic Resource Understanding)

logo for SERU (Shared Electronic Resource Understanding)

As an al­tern­at­ive to a site li­cense, MSP is pleased to par­ti­cip­ate in the Shared Elec­tron­ic Re­source Un­der­stand­ing (SERU) pro­ject, ap­plic­able to all journ­al and pack­age sub­scrip­tions.

The SERU state­ment ex­presses com­monly shared un­der­stand­ings of the con­tent pro­vider, the sub­scrib­ing in­sti­tu­tion and au­thor­ized users; the nature of the con­tent; use of ma­ter­i­als and in­ap­pro­pri­ate uses; pri­vacy and con­fid­en­ti­al­ity; on­line per­form­ance and ser­vice pro­vi­sion; and archiv­ing and per­petu­al ac­cess. Wide­spread ad­op­tion of the SERU mod­el for many elec­tron­ic re­source trans­ac­tions of­fers sub­stan­tial be­ne­fits both to pub­lish­ers and lib­rar­ies by re­mov­ing the over­head of bi­lat­er­al li­cense ne­go­ti­ation.

To view the SERU state­ment and Re­com­men­ded Prac­tice, please vis­it

Cur­rent sub­scribers will have ac­cess to the cur­rent paid year of con­tent, plus ac­cess to all past is­sues. Past sub­scribers will have per­petu­al ac­cess to con­tent from paid year(s) only.

To re­quest the use of SERU in lieu of a site li­cense, or for ques­tions re­gard­ing these terms and con­di­tions, please email con­tact@msp.org.