Recent Issues

Volume 18
Issue 5, 847–1038
Issue 4, 631–846
Issue 3, 409–629
Issue 2, 209–408
Issue 1, 1–208

Volume 17, 12 issues

Volume 16, 10 issues

Volume 15, 10 issues

Volume 14, 10 issues

Volume 13, 10 issues

Volume 12, 10 issues

Volume 11, 10 issues

Volume 10, 10 issues

Volume 9, 10 issues

Volume 8, 10 issues

Volume 7, 10 issues

Volume 6, 8 issues

Volume 5, 8 issues

Volume 4, 8 issues

Volume 3, 8 issues

Volume 2, 8 issues

Volume 1, 4 issues

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About the Journal
Editorial Board
Editors’ Interests
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ISSN: 1944-7833 (e-only)
ISSN: 1937-0652 (print)
Author Index
To Appear
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In  Forthcoming  Issues
Functorial embedded resolution via weighted blowings up

Dan Abramovich, Michael Temkin, Jarosław Włodarczyk

A bound for the exterior product of $S$-units

Shabnam Akhtari, Jeffrey D. Vaaler

Vanishing results for the coherent cohomology of automorphic vector bundles over the Siegel variety in positive characteristic

Thibault Alexandre

Failure of the local-global principle for isotropy of quadratic forms over function fields

Asher Auel, Venapally Suresh

Super-Hölder vectors and the field of norms

Laurent Berger, Sandra Rozensztajn

Application of a polynomial sieve: Beyond separation of variables

Dante Bonolis, Lillian B. Pierce

Polyhedral and tropical geometry of flag positroids

Jonathan Boretsky, Christopher Eur, Lauren Williams

A short resolution of the diagonal for smooth projective toric varieties of Picard rank 2

Michael K. Brown, Mahrud Sayrafi

Terminal orders on arithmetic surfaces

Daniel Chan, Colin Ingalls

The wavefront sets of unipotent supercuspidal representations

Dan Ciubotaru, Lucas Mason-Brown, Emile Okada

Combining Igusa's conjectures on exponential sums and monodromy with semi-continuity of the minimal exponent

Raf Cluckers, Kien Huu Nguyen

Canonical integral models for Shimura varieties of toral type

Patrick Daniels

Unramifiedness of weight one Hilbert Hecke algebras

Shaunak V. Deo, Mladen Dimitrov, Gabor Wiese

Galois orbits of torsion points near atoral sets

Vesselin Dimitrov, Philipp Habegger

Automorphisms of del Pezzo surfaces in characteristic 2

Igor Dolgachev, Gebhard Martin

Breuil-Mézard conjectures for central division algebras

Andrea Dotto

Matrix Kloosterman sums

Márton Erdélyi, Árpád Tóth

Word measures on GL_n(q) and free group algebras

Danielle Ernst-West, Doron Puder, Matan Seidel

Index of coregularity zero log Calabi-Yau pairs

Stefano Filipazzi, Mirko Mauri, Joaquí­n Moraga

The core of monomial ideals

Louiza Fouli, Jonathan Montaño, Claudia Polini, Bernd Ulrich

Enumeration of conjugacy classes in affine groups

Jason Fulman, Robert M. Guralnick

A unipotent realization of the chromatic quasisymmetric function

Lucas Gagnon

On the p-adic interpolation of unitary Friedberg--Jacquet periods

Andrew Graham

Affine Deligne–Lusztig varieties with finite Coxeter parts

Xuhua He, Sian Nie, Qingchao Yu

Refined height pairing

Bruno Kahn, Qing Liu

Spectral moment formulae for $GL(3)\times GL(2)$ $L$-functions I: The cuspidal case

Chung-Hang Kwan

The distribution of large quadratic character sums and applications

Youness Lamzouri

Serre weights for three-dimensional wildly ramified Galois representations

Daniel Le, Bao V. Le Hung, Brandon Levin, Stefano Morra

A modification of the linear sieve, and the count of twin primes

Jared Duker Lichtman

Lyndon-Demushkin method and crystalline lifts of G2-valued Galois representations

Zhongyipan Lin

The strong maximal rank conjecture and moduli spaces of curves

Fu Liu, Brian Osserman, Montserrat Teixidor i Bigas, Naizhen Zhang

Separating G_2-invariants of several octonions

Artem Lopatin, Alexandr N. Zubkov

Exceptional characters and prime numbers in sparse sets

Jori Merikoski

A case study of intersections on blowups of the moduli of curves

Sam Molcho, Dhruv Ranganathan

A geometric classification of the holomorphic vertex operator algebras of central charge 24

Sven Möller, Nils R. Scheithauer

Scattering diagrams for generalized cluster algebras

Lang Mou

Rooted tree maps for multiple $L$-values from a perspective of harmonic algebras

Hideki Murahara, Tatsushi Tanaka, Noriko Wakabayashi

Moduli of linear slices of high degree smooth hypersurfaces

Anand Patel, Eric Riedl, Dennis Tseng

Divisibility of character values of the symmetric group by prime powers

Sarah Peluse, Kannan Soundararajan

Maximal subgroups of exceptional groups and Quillen's dimension

Kevin I. Piterman

Ranks of abelian varieties in cyclotomic twist families

Ari Shnidman, Ariel Weiss

Curves with few bad primes over cyclotomic Z_l extensions

Samir Siksek, Robin Visser

Picard rank jumps for K3 surfaces with bad reduction

Salim Tayou

Balmer spectra and Drinfeld centers

Kent B. Vashaw

Prime values of $f(a,b^2)$ and $f(a,p^2)$, $f$ quadratic

Stanley Yao Xiao

Semi-stable models for some unitary Shimura varieties over ramified primes

Ioannis Zachos