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Many important differential equations model quantities whose value must remain
positive or stay in some bounded interval. These bounds may not be preserved when
the model is solved numerically. We propose to ensure positivity or other bounds by
applying Runge–Kutta integration in which the method weights are adapted in order
to enforce the bounds. The weights are chosen at each step after calculating the stage
derivatives, in a way that also preserves (when possible) the order of accuracy of the
method. The choice of weights is given by the solution of a linear program.
We investigate different approaches to choosing the weights by considering
adding further constraints. We also provide some analysis of the properties of
Runge–Kutta methods with perturbed weights. Numerical examples demonstrate the
effectiveness of the approach, including application to both stiff and non-stiff
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positivity preserving, bound preserving, Runge–Kutta
methods, linear programming
Mathematical Subject Classification
Primary: 65L06, 65L20, 65M12
Received: 13 May 2020
Revised: 4 March 2021
Accepted: 25 April 2021
Published: 2 November 2021