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We study the Diophantine properties of a new class of transcendental
real numbers which contains, among others, Roy’s extremal numbers,
Bugeaud–Laurent Sturmian continued fractions, and more generally the
class of Sturmian-type numbers. We compute, for each real number
this set, several exponents of Diophantine approximation to the pair
, together
the so-called ordinary and uniform exponents of approximation to
by algebraic
numbers of degree
As an application, we get new information on the set of values taken by
transcendental numbers, and we give a partial answer to a question of Fischler about his
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exponents of approximation, parametric geometry of numbers,
approximation by algebraic numbers, simultaneous
Mathematical Subject Classification
Primary: 11J13
Secondary: 11H06, 11J82
Received: 12 July 2021
Revised: 10 October 2021
Accepted: 25 October 2021
Published: 30 March 2022