Recent Issues
Volume 14, Issue 2
Volume 14, Issue 1
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Volume 13, Issue 1
Volume 12, Issue 4
Volume 12, Issue 3
Volume 12, Issue 2
Volume 12, Issue 1
Volume 11, Issue 4
Volume 11, Issue 3
Volume 11, Issue 2
Volume 11, Issue 1
Volume 10, Issue 4
Volume 10, Issue 3
Volume 10, Issue 2
Volume 10, Issue 1
Volume 9, Issue 4
Volume 9, Issue 3
Volume 9, Issue 2
Volume 9, Issue 1
Volume 8, Issue 4
Volume 8, Issue 3
Volume 8, Issue 2
Volume 8, Issue 1
Older Issues
Volume 7, Issue 4
Volume 7, Issue 3
Volume 7, Issue 2
Volume 7, Issue 1
Volume 6, Issue 4
Volume 6, Issue 2-3
Volume 6, Issue 1
Volume 5, Issue 4
Volume 5, Issue 3
Volume 5, Issue 1-2
Volume 4, Issue 4
Volume 4, Issue 3
Volume 4, Issue 2
Volume 4, Issue 1
Volume 3, Issue 3-4
Volume 3, Issue 2
Volume 3, Issue 1
Volume 2, Issue 4
Volume 2, Issue 3
Volume 2, Issue 2
Volume 2, Issue 1
Volume 1, Issue 4
Volume 1, Issue 3
Volume 1, Issue 2
Volume 1, Issue 1
Yann Bugeaud
Université de Strasbourg (France)
Diophantine approximation, transcendence, Diophantine equations, distribution modulo one
Nikolay Moshchevitin
Technische Universität Wien (Austria)
Diophantine approximations, geometry of numbers, dynamical systems, uniform distribution
Andrei Raigorodskii
Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology (Russia)
Combinatorial geometry, geometric graphs, random graphs, extremal graph and hypergraph theory, probability and linear algebra in combinatorics, Ramsey theory in combinatorics and geometry
Ilya D. Shkredov
Purdue University (United States)
Additive combinatorics, number theory, combinatorial ergodic theory
Iskander Aliev
Cardiff University (United Kingdom)
Discrete and convex geometry, integer optimization
Verónica Becher
Universidad de Buenos Aires (Argentina)
Normal numbers, computable numbers, automatic real numbers,
uniform distribution, combinatorics on words
Nikolay Dolbilin
Steklov Mathematical Institute (Russia)
Lattices and tilings of space, crystals and quasicrystals,
aperiodic tilings, polytopes, rigid and flexible polyhedra, Ising model
Vladimir Dolnikov
Yaroslavl State University (Russia)
Combinatorics, combinatorial geometry, graph theory
Oleg German
Moscow Lomonosov State University (Russia)
Diophantine approximation, geometry of numbers, multidimensional continued fractions
Michael Hoffman
United States Naval Academy
Multiple zeta values and multiple polylogarithms, combinatorial Hopf algebras, and special functions
Grigory Kabatiansky
Russian Academy of Sciences (Russia)
Coding theory, packings, combinatorics on words
Roman Karasev
Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology (Russia)
Combinatorial and geometric applications of algebraic topology, in particular: configuration spaces and Borsuk-Ulam type results
Gyula O. H. Katona
Hungarian Academy of Sciences (Hungary)
Extremal combinatorics, applications
Alex V. Kontorovich
Rutgers University (United States)
Analytic number theory, automorphic forms
Maxim Korolev
Steklov Mathematical Institute (Russia)
Short Kloosterman sums, Riemann's zeta-function
Christian Krattenthaler
Universität Wien (Austria)
Combinatorics, special functions
Andrey Kupavskii
CNRS (France) and Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology (Russia)
Extremal combinatorics, combinatorial geometry
Antanas Laurinčikas
Vilnius University (Lithuania)
Analytic and probabilistic number theory
Vsevolod Lev
University of Haifa at Oranim (Israel)
Additive combinatorics, combinatorial number theory and group theory, combinatorial problems in algebraic structures
János Pach
EPFL Lausanne(Switzerland) and Rényi Institute (Hungary)
Discrete and computational geometry, combinatorics
Rom Pinchasi
Israel Institute of Technology - Technion (Israel)
Alexander Razborov
University of Chicago (US) and Steklov Mathematical Institute (Russia)
Extremal combinatorics, computational complexity
Joël Rivat
Université d’Aix-Marseille (France)
Elementary and Analytic Number theory
Tanguy Rivoal
Institut Fourier, CNRS (France)
Classical diophantine approximation, Padé approximation
Damien Roy
University of Ottawa (Canada)
Diophantine approximation, transcendental number theory
Vladislav Salikhov
Bryansk State Technical University (Russia)
Diophantine approximations, special functions, algebraic properties of solutions of special differential equations
Tom Sanders
University of Oxford (United Kingdom)
Harmonic analysis, additive combinatorics and number theory
Alexander A. Sapozhenko
Lomonosov Moscow State University (Russia)
József Solymosi
University of British Columbia (Canada)
Discrete geometry, additive combinatorics, extremal combinatorics
Andreas Strömbergsson
Uppsala University (Sweden)
Geometry of numbers, Diophantine approximation, dynamical systems
Benjamin Sudakov
UCLA (United States)
Probabilistic and extremal combinatorics and its application to mathematics and computer science
Jörg Thuswaldner
University of Leoben (Austria)
Number systems and continued fractions, Fractal structures in Number Theory, Dynamical systems in Number Theory
Kai-Man Tsang
Hong Kong University (China)
Number theory, linear and non-linear Diophantine equations, distribution of square-free numbers, the Riemann zeta function
Maryna Viazovska
EPFL Lausanne (Switzerland)
Number theory, discrete geometry
Barak Weiss
Tel Aviv University (Israel)
Diophantine approximation, homogeneous dynamics, geometry of numbers