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On the size of $A{+}\lambda A$ for algebraic $\lambda$

Dmitry Krachun and Fedor Petrov

Vol. 12 (2023), No. 2, 117–126

For a finite set A and real λ, let A + λA := {a + λb : a,b A}. We formulate a conjecture about the value of liminf |A + λA||A| for an arbitrary algebraic λ. We support this conjecture by proving a tight lower bound on the Lebesgue measure of K + 𝒯 K for a given linear operator 𝒯 End (d) and a compact set K d with fixed measure. This continuous result also yields an upper bound in the conjecture. Combining a structural theorem of Freiman on sets with small doubling constants together with a novel discrete analogue of the Prékopa–Leindler inequality we prove a lower bound |A + 2A| (1 + 2)2|A| O(|A|1𝜀), which is essentially tight. This proves the conjecture for the specific case λ = 2.

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sumset, Brunn–Minkowski theory, Prékopa–Leindler inequality
Mathematical Subject Classification
Primary: 05B10
Secondary: 11B13
Received: 28 July 2022
Revised: 15 November 2022
Accepted: 1 December 2022
Published: 4 June 2023
Dmitry Krachun
Department of Mathematics and Computer Science
St. Petersburg State University
St. Petersburg
Fedor Petrov
Department of Mathematics and Computer Science
St. Petersburg State University
St. Petersburg